Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Barriers to Effective Communication Essay

Effective communication is a major element to success in any relationship, business, or organization. Communication barriers attempt to impede, and in some instances stop, the successful completion of the communication process. Law Enforcement agencies are susceptible to the consequences of ineffective communication and should work toward reducing and eliminating barriers blocking the flow of communication. Organizational flaws in the entangled hodgepodge of agencies within the American criminal justice system cause various communication barriers resulting in confusion and inefficiencies throughout the system. Law enforcement agencies began sharing more information after the attacks on 9/11 but barriers still exist. Understanding the communication process and using active listening skills is vital to overcoming barriers to effective communication. Process of Communication Wallace and Roberson (2009) define communication as, â€Å"a process involving several steps, among two or more persons, for the primary purpose of exchanging information† (p. 15). The communication process is dependent on the sender’s ability to create an understandable message for the recipient and the recipient’s ability to interpret the message. The process begins by transmitting an idea into a message made of carefully chosen symbols understandable to the receiver (Wallace & Roberson, 2009). To ensure success of the communication process, the sender should consider the recipient’s point of view while forming the message and selecting the means of transmission. The message can take the form of writing, speaking, or movement (Wallace & Roberson, 2009). Receipt of the message is very important or the process of communication stops. Sending the message using the appropriate medium continues the communication process to the next step. Understanding the idea of the message requires interpretation by the recipient. The receiver interprets the message and provides feedback to the sender. Feedback indicates receipt of the message and whether the message was understood or requires more information. Formal and Informal Channels of Communication Information flows up and down through the police organizations according to the chain of command. The formal channels of communication within police organizations require strict adherence to order, written memorandums, and directives (Wallace & Roberson, 2009). The Momentum that information flows within the formal channels is slow creating a delay in sharing new information throughout the organization. Slow transmission reduces organizational efficiency, wastes valuable time, resources, and puts the reputation of the police agency at risk. Formal channels are restrictive and at times seem unnecessary but police agencies do receive benefits using the formal channels. Through formal channels, all officers receive the same directions in an understandable message that reduces confusion among officers and creates documentation for later reference (Wallace & Roberson, 2009). Informal channels of communication exist in all law enforcement agencies and are used to pass information outside the formal channels of communication. Informal channels of communication give officers a break from the rigid protocol of formal channels. Opportunities for personal discussions that build camaraderie naturally improve morale and work performance. Police agencies know the benefits of informal channels of communication. When the right balance of formal and informal communications is achieved, the agency becomes a united police force. Overcoming Barriers to Effective Communication  The barriers that influence effective communication within the criminal justice system are emotional barriers, physical barriers, semantic barriers, and ineffective listening (Wallace & Roberson, 2009). The sender and receiver both can contribute emotional barriers reducing effective communication by allowing beliefs, attitudes, perceptions, and life experiences to enter the process. Criminal justice professionals can overcome emotional barriers by using peer support systems within the police department or support from outside sources (Wallace & Roberson, 2009). Physical barriers are obstructions that interfere with movement of a message and are the hardest to overcome. The weather, distance, and failures in technology are a few examples of physical barriers a police officer may encounter (Wallace & Roberson, 2009). Some barriers are out of the officer’s control and cannot be overcome quickly such as an ice storm that becomes a physical barrier when power and telephone lines go down ending communication. Semantic barriers consist of language differences and ambiguous word meanings and prevent a clear exchange of ideas resulting in failed communication. Hiring a diverse group of officers can reduce language barriers and choosing words carefully with the receiver in mind can help ease semantic barriers. Ineffective listening is another barrier present in the criminal justice system and occurs from disinterest, speaker bias, emotions, distractions, and words that invoke emotion (Wallace & Roberson, 2009). Every officer needs active listening skills. An officer using active listening skills can diffuse dangerous situations when armed with a clear understanding of the circumstances. Active listening is different from hearing. Hearing is an automatic response to sound and listening is an act. While using active listening skills the officer is processing what the speaker is saying with interest, free of speaker bias, and emotions, before giving a response (Wallace & Roberson, 2009). Improving and eliminating barriers to effective communication is achieved through education and self-improvement courses offered as part of a criminal justice professional’s continuing education. Communication Failure 9/11  The repercussions of failed communication can be seen in the attacks of 9/11. Many factors contributed to known terrorists entering the United States undetected and successfully killing Americans. Ineffective communication resulting in communication failure is one variable that allowed the United States to be attacked by terrorist from another country. The structure of American law enforcement agencies is conducive to linkage blindness. Grant and Terry (2008) define linkage blindness as, â€Å"the inability to analyze and link critical information across or within agencies† (p. ). Communication failed because Federal law enforcement agencies did not share terrorist information with state and local law enforcement agencies. Competition and territorial greed between agencies contributed to the loss of communication within the law enforcement community (Grant & Terry, 2008). Best (2007) stated, â€Å"Almost all assessments of the attacks of September 11, 2001 have concluded U. S. Intelligence and law enforcement agencies had failed to share information that might have provided advance warning of the plot† (Summary, para. 1). Congress eventually acknowledged communication barriers exist within the system of law enforcement agencies and enacted legislation and regulation to facilitate the sharing of information. Conclusion Most communication barriers can be overcome by using common sense and active listening devoid of emotion and bias. Police agencies and individual criminal justice professionals are responsible for learning and using active listening skills. Understanding the communication process reveals strategies to overcoming barriers that block the flow of information. Formal and informal channels of communication can drive the movement of messages forward or stop movement completely. When terrorists attacked the United States September 11, 2001 Congress enacted legislation and regulations to tear down the communication barriers that existed between law enforcement agencies. Communication barriers will always exist within the structure of American law enforcement agencies but efforts will continue to eliminate barriers within reach and reduce those harder to reach.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Solving Problems And Making Decisions

The Health Board was established in 2009 following the integration of the two former NHS Trusts and two Local Authorities’. The Vision was to ‘Create Altogether Healthier Communities’ by aiming to prevent ill health, protect good health and promote better health’ through working with partners to provide services as locally as possible and reducing the need for hospital inpatient care wherever feasible. The acute service at one of the District General Hospital provides assessment of functional need and implements interventions to enable patients to safely leave hospital.A small team of qualified and unqualified staff covers the 430 beds the District General Hospital. As a senior qualified team member, I am responsible for four busy surgical, neurological and cardiac wards. I am also responsible to the clinical development of junior and unqualified staff members. I review the length of time a referral is waiting to be seen, picking up referrals due to breach waiting targets as agreed by management. I generally hold a larger caseload than other team members and support my team with complex referrals and a high referral turn over. Description of the problemReferrals to the service are made primarily via ward nursing staff and other members of the multi-disciplinary team. Patient information is entered into a referral book and then non-qualified staff members collect the referral information twice daily. This generates a referral card with basic information relating to the patient’s reason for admission and general current health, which is submitted to a referral folder within the department. The qualified staff members use these referral cards to prioritise referrals. Inappropriate referrals to the acute Service are unfortunately a common occurrence.Patients’ are referred for assessment, which becomes a requirement prior to discharge. Any referral requires staff time, which has financial implications. A non-complex referral can take an average of 2 -4 hours to fully assess, complete the required paperwork and implement required recommendations. A complex referral can take a couple of days. An inappropriate referral can cause an unnecessary delayed discharge not only for the patient referred inappropriately, but also for other patients appropriately referred as often they must wait for the qualified to work with the inappropriate referral before they can be seen.This may result in a hospital bed being blocked; occupied by someone that could have been discharged rather than made to wait for an assessment. The rough average costing of a night’s stay in a NHS hospital bed is ?500. Analysis of the problem Consistent feedback from all therapists within the acute medical team indicated a flaw in the current referral system. Team members highlighted large numbers of referrals that did not meet the criteria for acute medical assessment and similarly large numbers of referrals made at inappropriate times. Following lengthy discussion at a team meeting, it was agreed that the current system was failing.The demand for assessment and interventions to plan for safe discharge from hospital is high. The indication of knowledge and understanding of the purpose of the assessment and intervention within the context of discharge planning is not so high. This was the consensus after reviewing the numbers of, reasons for and timing of referrals. Generally a referral is made by a qualified nurse sticking a patient information label onto a referral card and selecting a tick box option to indicate reason for referral. An estimation of the time this would take is 10 minutes.Based on an annual salary of a newly qualified staff nurse, this would equate to ?1. 80. An Assistant visits each ward twice daily, collecting the referral cards and completing information from the patient’s medical notes including reason for admission, social history and past medical history. This fully completed referra l is then placed into the referral folder which is located within the department. This part of the process will take up to 30 minutes per referral dependent on the complexity of the admission and medical history, if the medical notes can be located and if ward staff are to hand to discuss.Based on an annual salary of an experienced Assistant, this would equate to ?4. 40. For a referral to be made and information collected will cost approximately ?6. 20 (in wages. ) If a hospital bed costs approximately ?500 per night, and a patient is not discharged home to await an assessment, an inappropriate referral has then cost ?506. 20, which is a very large sum if the assessment was not required. An average initial assessment will take an hour, with another hour of paperwork.If a home visit or functional assessment is indicated, this may take up to three hours. If equipment is required, or referrals to other agencies indicated, this may take another couple of hours. Based on an annual salary of a mid-range senior qualified, the 7 hours would equate to ?105. To complete a full assessment and implement required interventions, a patient may require a further two nights in hospital i. e. ?1000. So, in total, ?6. 20 to complete an appropriate referral, ?105 to fully assess, ?1000 to implement interventions equals ?1111. 20.Once the problem of the impact inappropriate referrals have on delivering an effective and efficient acute service delivery, a focus group was set up to explore potential solutions. The aim was agreed – prevent unnecessary referrals to improve the effectiveness of the service, reduce delayed discharges and prevent bed blockages. Resolution of the problem Possible solutions were discussed as a team, which included management. Each potential solution was reviewed and realistic outcome potential considered. It was decided to target the referral process, to include the appropriateness and the timing of referrals made.The aim was to ensure only people i n need are referred and done so at an appropriate time. The chosen solutions were to educate referrers, facilitate morning handover a meeting with ward staff and therapists to discuss patients, create and cascade out referral flow-charts and to establish a clear criterion of those to refer and those who do not require assessment or interventions. The team evaluated each solution individually, reviewing the barriers and gains for each option and noted what would be required to implement each solution.Focus groups were recognised at the most cost-effective tool to progress solutions and a referral flow chart and appropriate/inappropriate referral criteria established. This was approved by the head and approved to role out onto the wards. There was of course resource implications, including clinical time spent away from assessments educating referrers. This reduced the scope for patients to be assessed by therapists. Similarly, Assistants spent the time they would usually collect refer ral information printing and laminating referral pathways/criteria and delivery them the wards.The most costly resource expenditure was a senior qualified attending a daily bed managers meeting, where delayed discharges could be highlighted and bed pressures discussed. Attendance to such meetings enabled our purpose and profile to be raised and the cost implications of frequent inappropriate referrals could be flagged. Other potential solutions were considered but not implemented primarily due to cost implications. For example, a triage system where a qualified would take all the referrals, attend relevant wards and review each referral on a 1:1 basis to establish it’s priority and appropriateness.This was deemed cost ineffective. Another potential solution was to create a referral duty desk and all referrals would need to be telephoned through during a set three hour time period. Though this would ensure all required information would be gathered, and priority/appropriatenes s could be established with the referrer straight away, it was not implemented. The department was unable to offer more than one therapist to operate the telephone for the entire hospital. Ward staff feedback was they were unable to commit to having time to make and discuss referrals within the duty desk operating hours.Similarly, it was agreed within the team that 3 hours a day out of clinical practice would be too cost effective and detrimental to managing the busy waiting list. The aim was agreed – prevent unnecessary referrals to improve the effectiveness of the service, reduce delayed discharges and prevent bed blockages. The solution was also agreed – a multi faceted approach to include establishing a referral pathway, referral criteria, establishing a morning ward handover, education for referrals and therapy attendance at bed managers meeting.Implementation and communication of the solution Action plan: Solutions identified and agreed. Action plan of how to, wh en to and who to lead on implementing each aspect of the solutions created. Referral pathway – myself to lead, completion within 2 week time frame for approval by service head. Once approved copies to be printed and laminated. Laminated pathways to be displayed on each ward, in nurse station area, in referral folders and in ward managers’ office. Referral criteria – focus group, completion within 2 week time frame for approval by service head.Criteria to be printed, laminated and to be displayed on each ward, in nurse station area, in referral folders and in ward managers’ office. Establishing a morning ward handover – ward allocated to lead, completion within two week time frame Education for referrers – myself to lead. PowerPoint presentation to be created within two week time frame for approval by service head. Education sessions to be arranged within two weeks following head approval. Attendance at bed managers meeting – senior to attend for immediate effect. Communication –Email sent to all ward managers and bed managers to inform them of referral Pilot. Information session offered for drop-in attendance for staff to openly discuss concerns and desired aim of planned changes. Meeting with Ward managers to explain full scope of Service, importance and impact of inappropriate referrals Feedback emails encouraged regarding referrers experiences of how the service altered if at all following the changes. Positive improvement monitoring – No official audit was completed during or immediately following the pilot. ConclusionThe problem highlighted was the impact of inappropriate referrals and inappropriately timed referrals on Service delivery in acute patient care. Solutions were identified and implemented over time. Although no formal audit was identified or carried out during this period to formalise outcomes and findings, staff feedback from all disciplines summarised positive change. The number of delayed discharges reduced, the amount of time spent with appropriate referrals increased and general team morale improved. Overall, the action plan to resolve the problem was successful.Ward staff approached therapy staff to discuss referrals, rather than simply making a referral without thought for appropriateness. The implementation of morning handover with nursing and therapy staff created time on a daily basis for such discussion, including addressing if a patient was ready to engage in assessment. No adjustment was made to the referral flowchart following its implementation. However, natural adjustments occurred with multi-disciplinary discussions on a daily basis. On reflection, methods evidence collection such as audit should have been carried out in order to formalise the effect of the change implemented.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Abusive child labor in China

News correspondent David Barbosa of the New York Times Magazine has published an article on May 1st 2008, entitled: ‘China Says Abusive Child Labor Ring Is Exposed’. In his news article, Barbosa uncovered more in-depth analysis surrounding the incident of child labor in China, in which according to him acknowledges child labor abuse at the heart of China’s export economy. This paper will discuss Barbosa’s finding on the plight of Chinese children amidst extensive economic production. Article Summary Who was involved? Based on Barbosa’s news article, child labor ranges from the age of 13 to 15 which have been deceived and possibly kidnapped by a child trafficking syndicate then sold to employment agencies. To cite, the series of crackdown by Chinese authorities has found rampant child labor employment from Western Sichuan Province of Liangshan that supplies the children to factories in Guangdong, wherein forced labor engages about 300 working hours monthly (Barbosa, 2008). Result of the crackdown The summary of result on crackdown of child labor rings has prompted the Chinese authorities to enacting more enforcement, which according to Barbosa has put China in significant scandal and embarrassment [aside from the political issue with Tibet who rejects China’s massive preparation to the forthcoming Olympic Games]. With the incoming Olympic event, Chinese authorities has doubled its efforts in enforcing the strictest possible campaign against child labor traffickers, wherein the April 30th 2008 crackdown to various legal and most specifically illegal employment agencies [or simply child traffickers] have been arrested and initially rescued about 100 children-laborers from Dongguan City where major electronic manufacturing firms are located. Behind child labor issue    According to Barbosa, child labor and abuses depicts China’s scarcity of laborers as a result of soaring inflationary rates and foreign currency devaluation that decreases profitability of both small and medium manufacturers that resorted to move quickly in the â€Å"edge† of competitive manufacturing and mass production; that involve cheap labor of children and adult laborers [of both men and women], wherein the Chinese labor law has even reduced the legal age requirement from the age of 16. Barbosa insinuated that may be the â€Å"political issue† involving Tibet’s [rejection and defiance to holding the Olympic Games in China] may have attributed to the seeming crackdown of human trafficking for cheap labor, in general. As cited, the earlier cases of child labor and human trafficking incidents could have been picking up â€Å"loose response† of enforcement, apparently becoming â€Å"stiff and tight† on the current dates. The critical issue behind the rampant child labor and human trafficking in China espouses the fact of looming poverty incidence in Southern and Western localities of China wherein continuing increase of   production and raw materials costs are insignificant to cost-cutting measures. To cite, even the renowned transnational Wal-Mart company have been charged with child labor, wherein similarly other foreign firms in China were illicitly engaging. In related child labor issue, Barbosa pointed out the observation of Professor Hu Xingdou from Beijing Institute of Technology who quoted that ‘China’s economy is developing at a fascinating speed, but often at the expense of laws, human rights and environmental protection’.   Further to cite, local government encourages incentives to grow their economy and thereby encouraging participation of cheap labor forces that includes children. Postscript in the report Journalists have jointly advocated pursuing the progress of Chinese authorities’ campaign against child labor and human trafficking.   According to Barbosa, the Southern Metropolis newspaper (in Beijing, China) conducts fact-finding mission in Liangshan Prefecture of Sichuan Province wherein indigenous families resides and being targeted by child labor recruiters. Barbosa stressed that journalist may access and could uncover the truth brought about by the scandal of child labor and abuse. As quoted by Barbosa; â€Å"journalists could discover the facts by secret interviews in a few days, since how could the labor departments show no interest in it and ignore it for such a long time?† Reference Barbosa, D. (2008). ‘China Says Abusive Child Labor Ring Is Exposed’. The New York Times (Asia Pacific) Electronic Magazine. Retrieved 08 May 2008 from

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 5

Law - Essay Example This is the tort of omission of a lawful act or failure to perform a legal duty without malicious intent, which causes damage. It is failure to do something that you were legally supposed to do without the intention of harming. Nells act of sleeping was not ill intentioned since she had started doing so only when cafe was not busy. She failed to be in the cafe available to serve any customers who came in. As a result, customers could be coming in and leave when they fail to be served making the business lose sales. Incase Nell took the case to a court of law then the cafe owner would have to prove that this act actually caused harm to the business and to him too (Emerson 2009). The cafe owner may also urge on the grounds that the act was a dereliction of duty by the employee. That is failure to conform to the rules and regulation of the work place, failure to perform their duties assigned in a satisfactory manner. In his case, Marvin would have to produce as evidence a copy written rules and regulations that govern the conduct of employees at the cafe. She would also have to give evidence that every employee has access to the said rules and regulation, and they were not unavailable to them (Blum 2007). The regulation should have clear and explicit statement on the cause of action in case sleeping during work hours and being in a different location of the work premises other than the assigned duty station. Marvin would also have to provide a copy of the contract signed by Nell during her recruitment giving the conditions for relieve of duty. It should explicitly state the cause of action as a result of sleeping during work and the mode of communication used to imply the cause taken by the employer of the employee. Nell can on her side sue the employer for compensation for the loss of income and the psychological impacts of being dismissed by her employer without prior notice. She can also claim for her benefit after

Biographical research paper on J.K Rowling Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Biographical on J.K Rowling - Research Paper Example Philip Nel stated that, â€Å"Both Anne and Peter Rowling loved reading, read to their children, and by the time she was six, Joanne began inventing stories which she told to her younger sister† (Nel, 8). Besides, her close relationship with her sister forced her to play the role of a guardian who is free to create stories to impress her sister. William Compson stated that, â€Å"Rowling says that from a very young age, as soon as she was old enough to realize that people actually wrote books (as opposed to books simply magically appearing), she decided that she wanted to be a writer† (Compson, 14). Rowling collected the raw materials for her future authorship from her childhood and teen-age. Still, she did not neglect the importance of reading in her life. Victoria Peterson-Hilleque stated that, â€Å"Joanne excelled in many languages during her course of study† (Peterson-Hilleque, 23). On the other side, she knew that academic education can help her to pursue a university degree and career, but the same cannot fulfil her personal interest. The author made clear that, â€Å"Although Joanne had a university degree and plenty of teaching experience, she was unable to find a job† (Mattern 41). So, she tried to balance her life between academic education and literary interest. In short, her life before aut horship was a preparatory stage for the future success within the context of literature. Rowling is basically from the countryside of England, named as Yate. Besides, her father (say, P J Rowling) was an Aircraft Engineer who worked at Rolls-Royce Company. Similarly, her mother (say, Anne Rowling) was interested in science and was a science technician by profession. Robert P. Merges stated that, â€Å"Ms. Rowling came from a middle-class family of professionals† (Merges, 133). So, one can see that Rowling family belonged to the middle class society in England, and she was born in the year

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Economics - Telecommunications Industry Research Paper

Economics - Telecommunications Industry - Research Paper Example All the leading companies are now keen to invest in this prosperous industry. For all these reason this industry is also creating huge amount of employment opportunity across the globe (, 2009). It has a great impact on a country’s economy including both microeconomic as well as macroeconomic effects. The social impact is gaining importance day by day with the popularity of social networking sites and SMS. In cultural terms it has raised the availability of music and films to the general mass. Telecommunication has also changed the medium through which people receive their news. A study of US citizens shows that people get their news from TV or radio rather than by news papers. The benefit of the use of internet is also known to everybody by now. In these several ways telecommunication industry helps the world to engulf the barrier of distance that exists among people. Shifts in demand or supply of a particular commodity occur due to several factors affecting the supply and demand schedule and in the telecommunication industry there exist some factors that can shift the supply and demand schedule upward or downward depending upon the nature of impact. Changes in income, changes in price of other commodities, changes in people’s expectation can influence the demand where as discoveries, introduction of new technologies, changes in input supply can alter the supply schedule directly or indirectly. For example innovation of better and improved technology will help the industry to connect their subscriber in cost that is lower than the previous. More people will demand it leading the demand curve to shift upward and based on improved technology they would be able to serve larger people causing a shift to the supply curve (Amato J D, & Morris S 2002). Price elasticity of demand and supply is a measure of responsiveness of quantity demanded or supplied respectively to a change in the price of the same

Friday, July 26, 2019

Research suggests comorbidity between dyslexia and dyscalulia. Discuss Essay

Research suggests comorbidity between dyslexia and dyscalulia. Discuss in light or recent research and examine the implications - Essay Example Beyond arithmetic difficulties, the abstract nature of mathematics means that dyscalculia sufferers can also have difficulty in spatial reasoning, and with comprehension of time. As mathematical reasoning is used in so many situations, it is important for educators to understand that management of dyscalculia is important for the individual in later life. As with many of the other SpLDs, the difficulties that children have when facing dycalculia in an educational environment is that they will often not understand why they are struggling. Peers may also acknowledge their difficulties, which can lead to feelings of failure, anxiety and stress. For this reason, it is important for educators to understand the needs of those with dyscalculia, which can often be overshadowed by dyslexia. The purpose of this paper is to examine the current research and government recommendations on dyscalculia to ascertain the implications that this SpLD has on classroom practice. It will also cover the evi dence for comorbidity between dyslexia and dyscalculia, and how classroom practice should be altered to deal with individuals who have specific learning needs. What is dyscalculia? Dyscalculia is an important SpLD because it affects mathematical and spatial reasoning for the affected individual. This is despite the fact that an individual has had mathematical education, and may be developing normally in other areas. The UK parliament report on dyslexia and dyscalculia suggests that mathematical problems are more likely to affect people in adulthood because the effects of dyscalculia are more long-lasting and mathematical reasoning skills are more valued by employers Reed & Warner-Rogers, 2009. Dyscalculia does affect those with other learning difficulties and is prevalent in those with a low (intelligence quotient) IQ, but dyscalculia can affect a wide range of individuals across the spectrum Reed & Warner-Rogers, 2009. Like dyslexia and the other SpLDs, there is evidence that dysca lculia is highly heriditary and has a strong genetic component. Twin studies suggest that, where one twin has dyscalculia, there is a 70% likelihood that the other will also have the SpLD (). Although twins are likely to share a similar environment and educational history, many twin studies do take this into account, and there is evidence that only 55% of non-identical twins will share dyscalculia. Despite the fact that dyscalculia is thought to affect up to 7% of UK residents (), it is only recently that it has been properly acknowledged and thoroughly researched. Many of the options available for those with dyslexia (for example) are not available for those with dyscalculia. The British Dyslexia Association does provide information about dyscalculia but it does not currently have its own charitable support organization (). Government interventions for educators who are dealing with dyscalculia are fairly new, and based on recent research. However, dyscalculia is recognized as a sp ecial educational need and therefore there are guidelines provided for those in primary school, secondary school as well as guidelines and advice for adults Reed & Warner-Rogers, 2009. These will be covered in more detail throughout this essay, but it is important to acknowledge the influx of interest in dyscalculia, which suggests that it is an important and prevalent problem for many in the UK. Causes of Dyscalculia As previously mentioned, much

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Innovation in organizational structure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Innovation in organizational structure - Essay Example It also reflects similarities with other aspects of Lewin's general model of change. For example, the planning stage can be described as a period of unfreezing, or problem awareness, the action stage as a period of changing or trying out new forms of behavior in an attempt to understand and cope with the system's problems and the results stage as a period of refreezing, in which newer forms of behaviors are tried out on the job and, if successful and reinforcing, become a part of the system's problem-solving behavior. Action research is generally problem centered, client centered, and action oriented. In this process data are not simply used to compile a written report but they are actually fed back in open joint sessions, and the client and the change agent work jointly for identifying and ranking specific problems, for devising methods of finding their real causes, and to develop plans for coping with them practically. Scientific method that includes data gathering, forming hypothe ses, testing hypotheses, and measuring results is an integral part of this process. Action research also sets in motion a long-range, cyclical, self-correcting mechanism for maintaining and enhancing the effectiveness of the client's system by leaving the system with practical and useful tools for introducinbg changes. (Lewin, 1946) It can be described as an problem-solving process involving four statges. It is generally used in quality control.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Taken 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Taken 2 - Essay Example Of course the room can be darkened and a newly-released home theater system can be used but the ambiance and atmosphere seem to be different. Large audience size is impossible if watching a movie is done at home and the same element can be found in a movie theater that makes the overall atmosphere of a film to be engaging. For the paper, a film analysis is done to show how a movie can affect a person and his views and beliefs about the content of the film. In particular, the review would be based on the experience of the reviewer which will be addressed here as â€Å"I.† In the context of the movie review, I will share all about the general atmosphere before, during and after watching the movie in a cinema. Various guidelines were set to ensure the quality of the film analysis. I will give some parts in the review regarding the social interactions that occurred in the cinema while I was there watching the movie. Positive response may be seen in the form of excitement from the audience and through their gestures. In addition, it can help in the development of film as an art since the audience responds to the stimuli from the movie. We are able to connect those scenes and stories to real world experiences. Some questions prior to the film itself regarding social interaction may involve the general mood of the audience before the movie starts. The reviewer may also mention if he had seen some familiar faces like friends and former classmates watching at the same cinema and describe how he respond to the scenario. He may also mention if viewed the film alone or with friends or with special someone. The timing may also be considered when the movie was watched as it might affect how the reviewer appreciated the movie. In particular, it may be mentioned if he had watched it during the opening night as it might have a significant impact to the general atmosphere of the theater that might also

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Choosing the Right School Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Choosing the Right School - Essay Example Therefore, the selection of a school is one of the most important decisions in the life of an individual. This paper discusses some of the factors that need to be taken into consideration while selecting for studying in up to a certain level. the paper addresses the concerns of adolescents, so they are primarily the audience for this paper. There are several factors that need to be considered while evaluating the choices available. An individual can not always decide to join a particular school of its quality of education is good because he/she might not be able to afford the expenses of the school. Schools that have a good reputation among the public and are known for their quality of education are generally quite expensive. An individual needs to select a school that has a good reputation and is also affordable. Affordability and quality are difficult to achieve in the same school, though the school that offers optimum benefits should be selected. The first and foremost trait one l ooks for in a school is the quality of education. The quality of education depends upon the level of commitment of the school administration and the whole staff of the school with their duties and responsibilities in the school. The quality is not merely an outcome of the selection of curriculum. In many schools, the curriculum is quite rich and thoughtfully designed, yet it does little to improve the intellect of the children. The real determinants of the quality of education are the tutors. Some teachers are so committed to their job that they encourage the students to approach them out of the regular duty hours if they have any problems, in education or otherwise. They do not even mind if the students come up with personal problems that have no educational significance. They are the spiritual guides and counselors of students in addition to being their teachers. In the company and under supervision of such a teacher, students tend to build strong ties with the education and take interest in the studies. This essentially speaks of the quality of education. In addition to the teachers, the school administration also plays a fundamental role in determining the quality of education. They may or may not participate directly in the education, but they have an important duty of establishing the educational setup, which has both direct and indirect impacts on the education. An individual should consult the students and their parents regarding these factors in a school before deciding to join it. Another factor that has a lot of weight in the consideration of a school for joining is the distance of the school from an individual’s home. The expenses of a school can significantly increase if the school is far away from the home because of the additional charges of transport to the school. Some people tend to live in a hostel in order to study in a particular school of their choice which has its own repercussions. Life in a hostel can be very unsuitable for some people. Living in a hostel is totally different from living in the home while studying. There are so many distractions in the culture of a hostel that an individual may find it very difficult to concentrate upon the studies while living in the hostel. In a hostel, the individual may have to share his/her room with others which can have negative impact on the individual’s tendency to gain education. Quite often, people acquire negative habits when they start to live in the hostel like smoking and drinking under the

A. Making a Gene Product Essay Example for Free

A. Making a Gene Product Essay We have just seen that one way of identifying cells carrying a particular gene is by assaying for the gene product. Such products are themselves, of course, a frequent objective of genetic engineering. Most of the earliest work in genetic engineering made use of E. coli to synthesize the gene products. E. coli has the advantage that researchers are very familiar with this easily grown organism and with its genetics. It also has several disadvantages. Like other gram-negative bacteria, it produces endotoxins as part of its outer layer. Since endotoxins cause fever and shock in animals, their accidental presence in products intended for use in humans would be in a serious problem. Another disadvantage of E. coli is that it does not usually secrete protein products. To obtain a product, cells must usually be broken open and the product purified from the resulting â€Å"soup† of cell components (Barton, 2000). Recovering the product from such a mixture is expensive when done on an industrial scale. It is more economical to have an organism secrete the product so that it can be recovered continuously from the growth medium. One approach has been to link the product to a natural E. coli protein that the bacterium does secrete. This approach has been used to produce insulin. Certain gram-positive bacteria, such as Bacillus subtilis, are more likely to secrete their products and are often preferred industrially for that reason. Another microbe that shows promise as a vehicle for the expression of genetically engineered genes is baker’s yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Its genome is only about four times larger than that of E. coli and is probably the best understood eukaryotic genome. Yeasts may carry plasmids; their cell walls can readily be removed to introduce plasmids carrying engineered genes. As eukaryotic cells, yeasts may be more successful in expressing foreign eukaryotic genes than bacteria. Furthermore, yeasts are likely to continuously secrete the product. Because of all these factors, yeasts have become the workhorse of eukaryotic cells. Yeasts also have a psychological advantage in the marketplace. Bacteria and viruses are, unfairly, associated in the public’s mind with diseases, whereas yeasts have a much more benign image, thanks to their association with baking, brewing, and wine-making (Barton, 2000). Animal viruses have also been used in making engineered gene products, primarily in the field of vaccine production. For example, scientists have been able to insert genes for the surface proteins of pathogenic microbes into the generally harmless vaccinia virus. The result is a sort of â€Å"sheep in wolf’s clothing,† a virus that has the external proteins of a pathogen but dies not cause disease. When an animal host is infected with the engineered virus, the host’s immune system recognizes these proteins as foreign and, in response, develops an immunity that can protect it against the actual pathogen. Because the vaccinia virus is unusually large and has room for several extra genes, a genetically engineered vaccinia virus might theoretically be used as a vaccine for several diseases simultaneously (Weaver, 2004). Mammalian cells in culture, even human cells, can be used much like bacteria to produce genetically engineered products. Scientists have developed effective methods for growing mammalian cells in culture as hosts for growing viruses. In genetic engineering, mammalian cells are often the best suited to make protein products for medical use; these products include hormones, lymphokines (which regulate cells of the immune system), and interferon (a natural antiviral substance that is also used to treat some cancers) (Anderson Diacumakos, 2001). While plant cells can also be grown in culture, altered by recombinant-DNA techniques, and then used to generate genetically engineered plants. Such plants may prove useful as sources of valuable plant products, such as alkaloids (the painkiller codeine, fro example) and the isoprenoids that are the basis of synthetic rubber.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Spider Womans Granddaughters by Paul Gunn Allen Essay Example for Free

Spider Womans Granddaughters by Paul Gunn Allen Essay In the introduction of Spider Womans Granddaughters, by Paul Gunn Allen, she provides background information pertaining to Native American history and culture. The purpose of this preface is to offer the knowledge necessary to understand the stories. She achieves this goal with the employment of the rhetorical strategies pathos and reference to authority. Allen strongly utilizes pathos. Her use of vocabulary conveys an extremely negative perception of the Anglo-American interactions with the Native Americans. Allen initially describes a road that travels through an Indian Territory in Oklahoma as a beautiful drive, lined tastefully with billboards however then reveals that the roadside signs mark the sites of starvation and slaughter. She continues to portray Anglo-Americans as insidious and pernicious. Allen also illustrates the affects of the massacring of the Native Americans: our numbers were horrifyingly diminished. These desperate, emotional words are deliberately used to provoke pathos effectively. Allens reference to authority compliments her appeal to emotion, as her points are represented with the words and opinions of indubitably respected figures. She shows the stubborn and misunderstanding views of Senator Dawes: He noted that Indian people had a good literacy rate, adequate food and shelter, medical care for all, and a thriving economic base, but he was disturbed because they continued to live communally. She includes this adamant refusal of the Indian lifestyle that was ultimately the cause of the suffering and injustice endured by the Native Americans, and reflects it in the words of an American leader. Allen exhibits the opinion of William Brandon: Of the approximately 150 million acres owned by the Indians in 1880 over ninety million acres were extracted from the Indians pocket. She also alludes directly to the holocaust by describing the westward expansion as such, and provides further allusion by relating schools to concentration camps. Paul Gunn Allens use of the rhetorical strategies of pathos and reference to authority create a nearly irrefutable vision of the Native Americans inauspicious history. Given this overview, the reader is provided the  necessary intellect to fully comprehend the stories.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Sustainability In Discount Retailing at Wal Mart

Sustainability In Discount Retailing at Wal Mart Porter (2002) states that root of the problem lies in the lack of distinguishing between operation effectiveness and strategy. The expedition for productivity, quality and speed has resulted in management tools and techniques, total quality management benchmarking, time based competition, outsourcing, partnering, reengineering, change management. In any organization, strategy management is the key to its success. There are many theories based on this assumption that without a proper strategy and planning, it is difficult for any industry to survive irrespective of its size. It is necessary to understand here that all the major corporate organizations have established themselves, thanks to superior strategic planning and implementation. The retail industry is making news everywhere with not only the traditional industries increasing their outlets but some major corporate industries also intruding into this industry like Fresh @ Reliance of Reliance Industries, More of Aditya Birla Gro up in India. Wal-Mart, a US based retail industry, which is known as the giant in the retail industry has survived and is still the huge enterprise in the world which deals with almost all the FB products, apparels, etc. It is not only the largest company in world but also the largest company in the history of world.(Fishman, 2006) The present paper is divided into four sections to understand and answer as what makes Wal-Mart the best in the industry, 1) retailing industry at the time of Wal-Marts innings, 2) Wal-Marts Competitive advantage and key components, 3) Wal-Marts Strategy and 4) Sustainable growth of Wal-Mart. I. Retail Industry Wal-Mart says Hello! Strategic decisions are ones that are aimed at differentiating an organization from its competitors in a way that is sustainable in the future. (Porter, 2002) Porter strongly advocates that decisions in business can be classified as strategic if they involve some innovation and difference that results in sustainable advantage. According to Patrick Hayden et al (2002) the retailing industry adopted the style of discounting on its merchandise after the Second World War. It is learnt that discount retailing was not the strategy at the time Kmart, Target and Wal-Mart first started operating their business. Frank (2006) states that when Sam Walton was franchising for Ben Franklins variety store, invented an idea of passing on the savings to his customers and earning his profits through volume. Prior to Wal-Marts entry into the market, Sidney and Hebert from Harrison founded Two Guys discount store in the year 1946 which dealt in hardware, automotive parts and later on groceries. Two Guys was the forerunner as compared to todays retailers like Super Target, Wal-Mart which succumbed to the economic recession. Another discount store set up by Eugene as E.J. Korvette, which is often cited as first discount store which did not raise from 5 10 cents roots and eventually declared bankruptcy due to inability to compete with the new entrants. Porter (2002) states that combination of operational effectiveness and strategy is essential for superior performance which is the primary goal of any organization. He also says that a company can perform its rivals only if it can operate in different ways which are not in practice. Much emphasis had been laid on strategic positioning like variety based positioning, needs based positioning and access based positioning. Along with Wal-Mart, other stores that started operating were Target, Woolworth (Woolco) and K-Mart. However, Target has been functioning successfully, courtesy Wal-Mart, but other two failed in their operations and filed bankruptcy.( Michael Bergdahl, 2004) Porters five forces model explains what strategic decisions should be made and on what basis. The model explains the basic strategies to be considered while starting a business like bargaining power of suppliers. While franchising of Franklin he always looked for cheaper deals and thought of passing his savings to the customers and earning through the margin on volume of bulk purchases. Through the way of discount stores, shoppers were given the cheapest price as compared to any other store. In regard to threats of new entrants, Wal-Mart has been constantly in the news for acquisition of other small retail shops in view of its expansion. But nevertheless it has stiff competition from likes of Super Target, Tesco, etc. it is the w orlds biggest retail industry. II. Key Components of Wal-Mart Business Model Wal-Mart is the leader in retailing industry with fiscal revenue of $244.52 billion in 2003 making it the worlds largest corporation. Mike reports that Wal-Mart as of 2002 had 1,283,000 employees growing at 11.2%. The above data explains that strategy of Wal-Mart is extraordinary which manages and operates over 4150 retail facilities globally.The key components of Wal-Mart (The Value Chain), which offers cheap prices than its competitors includes firm infrastructure like frugal culture, no regional offices and pleasant environment to work. Managements take lots of visits and it is learnt there are no rehearsals before any meeting which is usually scheduled on every Saturday. In any organization, human resource is the key to development and Wal-Mart efficiently manages its sources. Wal-Mart terms its employees as associates. Manager compensation is linked to the profit of store operated by him, within promotions, compensation offered to associates depending on companys profits and als o offered some incentives on their performances. The workforce at Wal-Mart is not unionized as the company takes all the measures of their benefits and provides them training on related issues. Technology plays a vital role in development of the organization and Wal-Mart is well equipped with technological innovations like POS, store performance tracking, real time market research, satellite system and UPC. Wal-Mart procurement measures like hard-nosed negotiations, partnerships with some vendors, centralized buying, planning packets, etc. helps at large the cause of providing the goods and services on cheap prices. The other factors that increase the margin of profit for Wal-Mart are inbound logistics with frequent replenishment, automated DCs cross docking, pick to flight, EDI, hub and spoke system. Wal-Mart strategy of operation is innovative with big stores in small towns with monopoly in the market at low rental costs, local prices, concentric expansion, merchandising in brand name, private labels, little space for inventory, store within store, etc. In relation to marketing and sales, merchandising is tailored from locals, spent less on advertising and the prices are fixed low and it depends on the store manager to fix the latitude of pricing. All the above factors combined together form the key components of Wal-Mart which not only increase the margin of profits through bulk sales but also boost the confidence of the customers with services like point of sale information system and everyday low prices. III. Wal-Mart Strategy Wal-Mart dominates the American retailing industry due to number of factors like its business model which is still a mystery and its effectiveness in not letting the rivals let know about the weaknesses. Wal-Mart made strategic attempts in the its formulation to dominate the retail market where it has its presence, growth by expansion in the US and Internationally, create widespread name recognition and customer satisfaction in relation to brand name Wal-Mart and branching into new sectors of retailing. It is learnt that Wal-Mart strives on three generic strategies consisting of Focus Strategy, the Differentiation Strategy and overall cost leadership. Managers strive hard to make their organizations unique, distinctive and identify key success factors that will drive the customers to buy their products.Thus, firm specific resources and capabilities are crucial in explaining the firms performance. The Resource Based View (RBV) explains competitive heterogeneity based on the premise that close competitors differ in their resources and capabilities in important and durable ways. The companys capability can be found through its functionality, reliable performance, like Wal-Mart superior logistics. (Helfat, 2002) Wal-Mart has firm infrastructure, well equipped in human resource with management professionals and technologically too. Any organizations thrive hard to be successful for which it needs to have better resources and superior capabilities. Wal-Mart has strong RBV with economically and financially very strong enough to stand still in the time of crisis. Pereira states that dominating the retail market is its key strategy. Wal-Mart operates on low price strategy which is operated as every day low prices (EDLP) which builds trust among the customers.(Brunn, 2006)The strategy lies in purchasing the goods at lower prices and selling the goods to customer at much lower prices, cutting the price as far as possible and increasing the profit by increasing the number of sales. This ferociously increases the competition in the market and Wal-Mart competes with all its competitors till it is dominant it the market. Wal-Mart is expanding seriously and rapidly which is also its strategic goal. Wal-Mart employs over 1.3 associates, owns over 4000 stores out of which 3000 are in US and serves around 100 million customers weekly. Wal-Mart has acquired many international stores and merged with some super stores like ASDA in UK. Wal-Mart far flung network of retail outlets has ensured that Wal-Mart interacts with and has impact on virtually every locality within US. (Helfat, 2002) The expanded strategy has led the hunger of Wal-Mart to many European Countries. It is learnt that three countries with no Wal-Mart stores became part of corporations international presence wherein the domestic retail chains were taken over by Wal-Mart including 122 Woolco stores in Canada, 21 Wertkauf stores in Germany and 229 ASDA units in United Kingdom. The takeover strategy by Wal-Mart keeps the company at forefront when entering into the new market and the number of competitors is also minimized. The strategies have he lped the Wal-Mart to rein in number one position in international countries making it the largest retailer in the world. It is seen that Wal-Mart has significantly the Porters five force model wherein through proper strategic planning and strategic implementation has led to removal of barrier entry, rivalry from competitors and pricing norms. In regard to substitutes, Wal-Mart in order to achieve its aim of customer satisfaction has selling goods under its own legal brand. Wal-Marts big box phenomenon has changed the retailing industry in the United States which is often considered as discount stores and makes profit through high volume of purchases and low markup on profits.(Parnell, 2008)Wal-Mart with its low cost and ever expanding strategy has made a dramatic impact since 1962 when Sam Walton first started his business. With this strategy, Wal-Mart has now over 4000 stores and outlets in US and other countries through acquisition and mergers. IV. Sustainability in Discount Retailing Wal-Mart According to Porter, (2002) operational effectiveness and efficiency are the key elements of success in any organization. A company can outperform its rivals or competitors in the market only with superior management and efficient control creating a difference from the others which eventually attracts customers. Porter defines operational effectiveness as performance of similar activities as its rivals but better than them. In a study, it is stated the Wal-Mart is expert in manipulating perceptions. It is termed that low price is not the strategy of Wal-Mart but the advertisement manipulates the consumer perceptions by making them think that its prices are lower than its competitors price using price spin. Wal-Mart makes the consumer addicted coming to its stores by convincing them the prices are lower than in the other stores by selling itself cheaper by advertising that we have lower prices than anyone else and placing a opening price point. The opening price point is the lowest pr ice in the store which is kept at high visibility which makes consumer believes that the products in this store are really cheaper. (Race Cowgill, 2005) The SWOT analysis of Wal-Mart reveals that it is most powerful retail brand, reputation for money, value, commitment, and provides wide range of products. It is growing at a brisk pace with expanding its horizon to other parts of world through acquisition and merger. Wal-Mart has good opportunities in markets of Europe and China and focuses on acquiring the market through acquisition of smaller stores and merger with leaders in the specific markets. Wal-Mart is always under threat to sustain its top position in market nationally and internationally. Global leader in the industry leaves the organization vulnerable to many socioeconomic and political problems of the country. Sustainability at the top place is the most important job that makes its managers strives hard to frame the policies and strategy to compete with its rivals in the market. Slack, Imitation, Substitution and Hold-up are some of the threats to any organization in retail industry. However, Wal-Mart with its visionary goal of attaining zero waste status and reaching 100% renewable energy has planned to launch number of sustainability initiatives. (GreenBiz, 2008) Imitation increase profits by increasing the supply. But imitation puts reputation, relationship at stake. James Hall reports that Wal-Mart is planning to open convenience stores as Tesco has started and operating in US called Fresh Easy Neighborhood Markets. (James, 2008) Such tactics will create mixed response among the consumers while degrading the reputation of the leader in market. Substitution reduces the demand for what a firm uniquely provides by shifting the demand elsewhere due to changes in technology. The threats of substitution can be subtle and unexpected like minimizing expenses through videoconferencing instead of air flights to long distance meetings with its managers of other stores, etc. Therefore, substation is an especially effective way of attacking dominant rivals in the market. Substitution offers mixed responses after identifying and understanding the threats. The organization should fight the threat and merging with them, switching to different options of substitution to be in the market. Hold-up diverts the value to customers, suppliers or complementors who have some bargaining leverage which results in tough negotiations, contractual agreements and vertical integration. Wal-Mart is having great network with almost over 7800 stores and Sams Club locations in 16 markets worldwide. It employs more than 2 million associates and serves more than 100 million customers every year. According to Fishman (2006) Americans spend $26 million every hour at Wal-Mart which makes it believable that Wal-Mart is financially very strong and is capable of combating any threat from its rivals in the market. Wal-Mart is ever expanding its boundaries by way of acquisition and mergers. Thus Wal-Mart with such a vast network of stores and alliances in the forms of ASDA, Target and many other stores is well protected enough to sustain its top position in the retail industry.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Abominable Pig by Marvin Harris Essay -- Abominable Pig Marvin Har

The Abominable Pig by Marvin Harris Is it possible that the almighty God is wrong? The bible explicitly states, in no questionable terms that whatever is of the hoof and is cloven footed and chews the cud among animals, you may eat. Obviously, the pig has fallen short of the statement’s requirements, hence the reason why, Marvin Harris author of the article â€Å"The Abominable Pig,† has opted to explore the reasons why this is the case as his central argument. Harris does not seek to completely refute this theory; in fact, even though he pinpoints certain flaws in the biblical proclamation, he scrutinizes the reasons why God has chosen to isolate this particular animal, for it is no more a carrier of disease than any other. Harris contends that if the statement is reworded to state, â€Å"Flesh of swine thou shalt not eat until the pink has been cooked from,† and then that would have sufficed as opposed to eradicating its use completely. Firstly, Harris looks at the Old Testament’s characterization of the pig and then compares it to a trichinosis perspective (which is a di...

Anime Essay -- essays papers

Anime Anime is the Japanese take on the word "animation". It represents the Japanese style of animating cartoons. However, not all anime is for children. Majority imported to America is aimed at an adult audience- containing deep storylines, graphic violence, gore, as well as nudity and adult situations. This cinematic genre is a fast growing trend in the west and can now possibly be considered the most popular phenomenon among children, considering the success of the much-in-demand anime series "Pokà ©mon". Anime art is known for it's characters' big round eyes, abnormal shaped hair, and it's unique exaggeration of physical reality. Since anime is basically movies translated into animation, it contains as many subgenres as there are actual genres. However, the majority of anime contains some type of action or martial arts, so I chose to discuss the action/horror subgenre and will be using Yoshiaki Kawajiri's Ninja Scroll to aid in describing its basic elements. Action anime contains titles such as: Street Fighter II, Tekken, and Battle Royal High School. Some titles I've come across that would fit horror anime are: Shutendoji- the Star Hand Kid, Devilman, Biohunter and Vampire Hunter D. I chose Ninja Scroll as my model not only because its animation is "top-notch" and its storyline, in my opinion, is excellent, but it fits both the action and horror subgenre. Action/horror anime has three main character types: "the hero", the "damsel-indistress", and "the enemy". The protagonist of the story, usually male, is nothing short of a "superhero". He's smart, strong, brave, and extraordinary, usually having some type of supernatural or uncanny power or is extremely mastered in some type of martial art. He's a mysterious, isolated character, a lot of the time a wanderer, and is different from all other characters in the story. We start off knowing little or nothing about him, and as the story progresses, we learn more about his history and powe rs. In Ninja Scroll, the hero of the story is Jubei, a mercenary ninja hired for money. He proves in many confrontations to be extremely skilled in using a sword, and through combining skills, brains, and the help from his trusty blade usually comes out on top, no matter the number or strength of his adversaries. The characters of the story are familiar with his skills and he is known as a master sw... ...e capture Kagero several times, and in the end, Gemma takes her life. The hero then must find and rescue the damsel. Jubei saves Kagero every time she's captured. After, the hero journeys to confront the main antagonist. On the way, he defeats the last of the henchmen and lower division enemies. When it comes time for the climax, the hero usually has a score to settle with the enemy. Here, Jubei not only tries to stop Gemma's reign of evil, but also seeks vengeance for the death of Kagero. There's a long and brutal confrontation, favoring the almost invincible enemy. Jubei is beaten close to death, but in the very end manages to find a weakness and kill Gemma. This scenario is similar in most action/horror anime. Finally, the resolution shows the direction each character is headed- Jubei continues wandering the earth with his memory of Kagero and his experiences with Gemma and the Eight Devils of Kimon.Although there is an extremely large selection of anime, even within the action/horror subgenre, they share similar qualities and patterns in the plot and characters. The genre keeps its diversity through differences in its animation and storyline of each individual movie.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Loyalty in Sir Patrick Spens and Bonnie George Campbell :: Patrick Spens Bonnie George

Loyalty in Sir Patrick Spens and Bonnie George Campbell Is loyalty really a thing to die for? Sir Patrick Spens and Bonnie George Campbell Sure did think so in the two poems they were a part of The term loyalty means to be faithful and true to anything one is a part of Both Sir Patrick Spens and Bonnie George Campbell exemplify this trait. This trait of loyalty makes these two characters similar in their poems. They are similar in ways such as how they both have to go on missions, both are leaving something behind, and both are skilled at what they do. The situations Sir Patrick Spens and Bonnie George Campbell are involved in, along with the loyalty each exemplifies teach important lessons in the poems. This lesson is the ironic outcome of loyalty. Sir Patrick Spens' and Bonnie George Campbell's similarities in that they both have to go on missions, both are leaving something behind them, and both are skilled at what they do relates to their loyalty and the ironic outcome of this loyalty. Sir Patrick Spens and Bonnie George Campbell decided to go on missions in which they knew there was a good chance they would never come back. This is shown in "Sir Patrick Spens" by what the poem says referring to Sir Patrick Spens' reaction to a letter he receives that tells him that he has to go on this mission. The poem says about his reaction: The first line that Sir Patrick red, A loud lauch launched he, The next line that Sir Patrick red, The teir blined his ee. ( I 1- 16) Although Patrick was very sad about having to go on his mission, he still went to be loyal to his king. -The same situation occurred with Bonnie George Campbell in his poem. It can be inferred by the way he says good bye to his mother and bride that he is sad to leave and that he knows he may never come back. George still goes on his mission because he feels he needs to be loyal to his country when they need him in this time of war. Sir Patrick Spens and Bonnie George Campbell were both leaving something behind to go on their missions so they can be loyal to their king and country Bonnie George Campbell leaves his family behind him to go on this mission as shown by these lines:

Thursday, July 18, 2019

The short story, Winter Dreams, by F. Scott Fitzgerald

The short story, Winter Dreams, by F. Scott Fitzgerald holds lasting impact today, mainly for the author’s ability to weave love, desire, emotion, and the moral fiber of an individual into a story. The underlying theme is centered on how charisma can drives a person to lose sight of their true goal in life, thereby finding pleasure in selfish gain which results in eventual loss. I will develop an analysis of characterization and theme in this famed short story. The story is a narrative account of Dexter Green, a reliable, self-assured individual who falls into the web of infatuation of a beautiful woman, Judy Jones. Ms. Jones is also a self-assured individual. She, however, bases her confidence on her outer beauty, a beauty that intoxicates men, bringing them to her knees. Judy represents intense passion, and she brings it out in men, empowering her own life. She leads Dexter to rather abruptly quit is work as a caddy because he yearns to impress Judy, and working as a caddy doesn’t meet her expectations. At the time Judy is only eleven years old. From a very young age, we see that Dexter is the kind of person who goes after his dreams, makes a plan and follows through, but Judy alters this. The characteristics of Dexter’s personality are made clear by F. Scott Fitzgerald in quick fashion. Dexter’s personality comes to light as Fitzgerald displays how astute, intelligent and confident the boy can be. Like Dexter, most of Fitzgerald ‘s male characters choose to feel empowered at the expense of the real. Only a world of illusion, such as Judy Jones’, that can handle her emotional intensity. For one, the story unfolds by casting a scene between a nurse and a young girl on the golf course. These women are having a heated conversation. Although Dexter is at a distance from the scene, he clearly witnesses the incident as troublesome. In the end, one girl raises a club at the other woman, a nurse. She raises the club as if she was going to pound her. But she doesn’t follow through with her threat. Dexter finds humor in this. His ability to find the comedy behind such childish behavior adds to his own youthful wisdom. Here’s a snippet of this scene, as written by the author: Realizing that the elements of the comedy were implied in the scene, Dexter several times began to laugh, but each time restrained the laugh before it reached audibility. Not only is Dexter smart enough to recognize this altercation as a staged situation, which is merely the ego of two people butting heads, but he does so without allowing this incident to alter his own mood. What’s even more humorous is that Fitzgerald uses two females in this physical altercation on the golf course. Normally, the stereotype would be to place two men arguing while playing a sport. Not only does Fitzgerald squash the stereotyping, but he does so by having one woman threatening to nearly behead another woman with a raised club. This displays Fitzgerald creative knack for bringing humor into a potentially disastrous scene. Beyond this, Dexter is not concerned that this altercation might result in physical injury. He realizes their childish threats will go nowhere. This further strengthens his character. Not only is Dexter able to see that the fracas is not going to actually become violent, but, at fourteen years of age, his analysis of the scene adds to his character. Dexter’s characteristics come across as a young boy who can speak for himself. For instance, he is shown having a conversation with a very established man of the community. Dexter is not the least bit intimidated by this adult presence. Dexter, instead, is perceived by members of the golf course to be one of the best caddies. Dexter, then, makes a decision to quit his caddying job. He has higher aspirations and realizes that he’s gotten all can out of caddying. A golf member hears of this and pleas for the young Dexter to continue to caddy for him, stating that he can make if very worthwhile to Dexter. In response to this plea, Fitzgerald wrote: â€Å"You're not more than fourteen. Why the devil did you decide just this morning that you wanted to quit? You promised that next week you'd go over to the State tournament with me. † I decided I was too old. † Dexter stands up for what he believes. He is not swayed by an adult figure with a high-standing position in, both, the business world and on the golf course. The reader sees that elitism cannot sway the young Dexter from going after what he really wants in life. This is, in fact, very ironic; for Dexter wants to be one of the elite. Years later, Dexter falls into the lustful vision of the very beautiful Ms. Jones. Ms. Jones is more that willing to use her outer beauty to gain countless new lovers. She does begin a relationship with Dexter when he is in his twenties. Judy Jones is even boasted about by three other men that Dexter plays golf with one day. These are, again, some of the elite men in society. They almost salivate as they discuss Judy Jones. â€Å"Good-looking! † cried Mr. Hedrick contemptuously, â€Å"she always looks as if she wanted to be kissed! Turning those big cow-eyes on every calf in town! † Here, we can see Fitzgerald’s light-hearted, almost comical, means of showing how man’s desire can rule a person on certain levels. After this golf outing, Judy and Dexter begin a relationship. Dexter is ecstatic about her. He is—apparently for the first time—overwhelmed with a new appreciation over having Judy in his life. Judy, however, is a hollow person and Dexter doesn’t see this. This shallow characteristic in Judy represents people who are self-centered and seek to make gains by using their physical appearance instead of becoming more knowledgeable. Her hollow personality is at the center of her world. All Dexter sees is her physical characteristics which nearly melt him into submission. She has the same affect on many other men in her life. Near the end of the story, Judy breaks off their relationship. She is too easily swayed by other men’s advances and his financial status. Dexter is crushed by her departure, but he begins to renew his life and starts a relationship with a nice girl. This girl is less than glamorous but is filled with other worthwhile characteristics. Judy, then, runs back to Dexter but he does not take her bait. Dexter then discovers through Delvin, that Judy has since gotten married and is raising a family. Now, however, Judy has lost her beauty and is being treated unfairly by her husband. This husband runs off with other women, leaving Judy alone to raise the kids. In closing, we see who cleverly Fitzgerald develops theme and storyline. Fitzgerald also learned how to shape his short stories to meet the needs of magazine readers while, at the same time, using these serious themes as springboards into longer fiction. Winter Dream is centered around characterization. It’s the characters and their interactions with one another that make this story so empowering. Its impact is still felt today because so much of society continues to be tricked by external beauty’s advances. For, the true beauty comes from deep within the heart and soul of a person who shares their life instead of taking advantage of others. SOURCES F. Scott Fitzgerald  Ã‚ Introduction to the Short Story  Ã‚   d

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Microprocessor and Interfacing Essay

Peripherals and Interfacing PIO 8255 The parallel excitant- make fashion bunk 8255 is alike called as programmable marginal stimulant- out indue mien. The Intels 8255 is designed for use with Intels 8- issue, 16-bit and advanceder capacitance microprocessors. It has 24 insert/ outturn roues which whitethorn be singlely programmed in dickens conferences of twelve offices each, or three concourses of octet lines. The deuce assemblys of I/O gloamings be named as grouping A and sort out B. individually of these twain groups contains a subgroup of viii I/O lines called as 8-bit expression and an new(prenominal)(a) subgroup of quaternity lines or a 4-bit appearance.Thus conclave A contains an 8-bit embrasure A along with a 4-bit bearing. C upper. PIO 8255 The embrasure A lines ar identify by symbols PA0-PA7 while the fashion C lines argon identified as PC4-PC7. Similarly, radicalB contains an 8-bit carriage B, containing lines PB0-PB7 and 4-bit carriage C with mortifieder bits PC0- PC3. The embrasure C upper and embrasure C unkepter suffer be apply in combination as an 8-bit mien C. both the portholehole C atomic number 18 delegate the alike breed. Thus whiz may have both three 8-bit I/O ports or twain 8-bit and two 4-bit ports from 8255. completely of these ports muckle function on an individual basis all as stimulant or as end product ports.This backside be achieved by programming the bits of an inside muniment of 8255 called as consider discussion history ( CWR ). PIO 8255 The versed block diagram and the pin compliance of 8255 ar shown in image. The 8-bit entropy peck damp is run intoled by the get newsworthiness/ economise contain logic. The deal/ salvage say-so logic manages all of the internal and outer transfers of both info and authorisation speech communication. RD, WR, A1, A0 and readapt ar the inserts provided by the microprocessor to the picture/ WRITE overtop l ogic of 8255. The 8-bit, 3-state biface soften is employ to interface the 8255 internal entropy deal with the external organisation recogniseive in dression passenger car.PIO 8255 This fan receives or transmits info upon the exertion of enter or proceeds tempers by the microprocessor. The delay rallying crys or attitude information is as sanitary transferred finished the buffer. The mark description of 8255 are briefly presented as fol number ones PA7-PA0 These are eight-spot port A lines that acts as every latched take or buffered input signal lines depending upon the take hold word loaded into the master word translate. PC7-PC4 Upper nibble of port C lines. They may act as either production luff latches or input buffers lines. PIO 8255 This port to a fault stool be employ for generation of handclasp lines in musical way of life 1 or method 2. PC3-PC0 These are the downhearteder port C lines, other details are the same as PC7-PC4 lines . PB0-PB7 These are the eight port B lines which are utilise as latched getup lines or buffered input lines in the same way as port A. RD This is the input line driven by the microprocessor and should be low to indicate read surgical effect to 8255. WR This is an input line driven by the microprocessor. A low on this line indicates compile subprogram. PIO 8255 CS This is a chip select line.If this line goes low, it enables the 8255 to respond to RD and WR types, other than RD and WR signal are neglected. A1-A0 These are the handle input lines and are driven by the microprocessor. These lines A1-A0 with RD, WR and CS from the abutting operations for 8255. These address lines are apply for addressing all one of the four muniments, i. e. three ports and a pull strings word usher as given in table below. In moorage of 8086 establishments, if the 8255 is to be interfaced with lower order information muckle, the A0 and A1 pins of 8255 are connected with A1 a nd A2 respectively.RD 0 0 0 0 RD 1 1 1 1 RD X 1 WR 1 1 1 1 WR 0 0 0 0 WR X 1 CS 0 0 0 0 CS 0 0 0 0 CS 1 0 A1 0 0 1 1 A1 0 0 1 1 A1 X X A0 0 1 0 1 A0 0 1 0 1 A0 X X remark (Read) cycle port wine A to info bus porthole B to information bus sort C to info bus CWR to info bus sidetrack ( deliver) cycle entropy bus to air A entropy bus to port wine B Data bus to bearing C Data bus to CWR economic consumption Data bus tristated Data bus tristated authorization account book memoir PIO 8255. D0-D7 These are the selective information bus lines those carry data or control word to/from the microprocessor. determine A logic senior high school on this line clears the control word register of 8255.All ports are touch on as input ports by default afterwards fix. layover Diagram of 8255 (Architecture) ( cont.. ) 1. 2. 3. 4. It has a 40 pins of 4 groups. Data bus buffer Read Write control logic mathematical group A and mathematical group B controls larboard A, B and C Data bus buffer This is a tristate two-way buffer utilize to interface the 8255 to system databus. Data is transmitted or original by the buffer on execution of input or output instruction by the processor. comprise word and status information are also transferred through this unit. forefend Diagram of 8255 (Architecture) ( cont.. )Read/Write control logic This unit accepts control signals ( RD, WR ) and also inputs from address bus and issues commands to individual group of control blocks ( Group A, Group B). It has the following pins. a) CS Chipselect A low on this PIN enables the communication amidst central processor and 8255. b) RD (Read) A low on this pin enables the CPU to read the data in the ports or the status word through data bus buffer. Block Diagram of 8255 (Architecture) ( cont.. ) WR ( Write ) A low on this pin, the CPU can write data on to the ports or on to the control register through the data bus buffer. ) RESET A high on this pin clears the con trol register and all ports are flock to the input system e) A0 and A1 ( Address pins ) These pins in familiarity with RD and WR pins control the selection of one of the 3 ports. Group A and Group B controls These block receive control from the CPU and issues commands to their respective ports. c) Block Diagram of 8255 (Architecture) ( cont.. ) Group A PA and PCU ( PC7 -PC4) Group B PCL ( PC3 PC0) Control word register can besides be write into no read operation of the CW register is allowed. a) sort A This has an 8 bit latched/buffered O/P and 8 bit input latch. It can be programmed in 3 flairs personal manner 0, method 1, way 2. b) interface B This has an 8 bit latched / buffered O/P and 8 bit input latch. It can be programmed in modal value 0, mode1. Block Diagram of 8255 (Architecture). c) port C This has an 8 bit latched input buffer and 8 bit out put latched/buffer. This port can be divided into two 4 bit ports and can be use as control signals for port A and port B. it can be programmed in mode 0. styluss of unconscious process of 8255 (cont.. ) These are two basic modes of operation of 8255.I/O mode and modus operandi set apart- limit mode (BSR). In I/O mode, the 8255 ports work as programmable I/O ports, while in BSR mode only port C (PC0-PC7) can be used to set or reset its individual port bits. Under the I/O mode of operation, further thither are three modes of operation of 8255, so as to support different types of applications, mode 0, mode 1 and mode 2. panaches of work of 8255 (cont.. ) BSR elan In this mode any of the 8-bits of port C can be set or reset depending on D0 of the control word. The bit to be set or reset is selected by bit select flags D3, D2 and D 1 of the CWR as given in table. I/O ways a) system 0 ( Basic I/O mode ) This mode is also called as basic input/output mode. This mode provides simple input and output capabilities victimisation each of the three ports. Data can be simply read from a nd written to the input and output ports respectively, after appropriate initialisation. D3 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 D2 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 D1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Selected bits of port C D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 BSR elan CWR Format PA 8 2 5 5 PCU PCL PA6 PA7 PC4 PC7 PC0-PC3 PB PB0 PB7 8 2 5 5 PA PCU PCL PB PA PC PB0 PB7 All outfit Port A and Port C acting as O/P. Port B acting as I/P rule 0 directions of appendage of 8255 (cont.. ) 1. The salient features of this mode are as listed below cardinal 8-bit ports ( port A and port B )and two 4-bit ports (port C upper and lower ) are available. The two 4-bit ports can be combinedly used as a third 8-bit port. all port can be used as an input or output port. proceeds ports are latched. enter ports are not latched. A maximum of four ports are available so that boilers suit 16 I/O connumberuration are possible. All these modes can be selected by programming a register internal to 8255 known as CWR. 2. 3. 4. methods of consummation of 8255 (c ont.. The control word register has two formats. The first format is valid for I/O modes of operation, i. e. modes 0, mode 1 and mode 2 while the second format is valid for bit set/reset (BSR) mode of operation. These formats are shown in following fig. D7 1 D6 X D5 X D4 X D3 D2 D1 D0 0- Reset 0-for BSR mode Bit select flags D3, D2, D1 are from 000 to 111 for bits PC0 TO PC71- Set I/O Mode Control news show Register Format and BSR Mode Control Word Register Format PA3 PA2 PA1 PA0 RD CS GND A1 A0 PC7 PC6 PC5 PC4 PC0 PC1 PC2 PC3 PB0 PB1 PB2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 0 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 PA4 PA5 PA6 PA7 WR Reset D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 Vcc PB7 PB6 PB5 PB4 PB3 8255A 8255A Pin Configuration = D0-D7 CS RESET 8255A A0 A1 RD PA0-PA7 PC4-PC7 PC0-PC3 PB0-PB7 Vcc WR GND Signals of 8255 3 Group A control 1 D0-D7 Data bus moderate 8 bit int data bus 4 Group A Port A(8) PA0-PA7 Group A Port C upper(4) Group B Port C Lower(4) PC7-PC 4 PC0-PC3 2 RD WR A0 A1 RESET CS Block Diagram of 8255 READ/ WRITE Control Logic Group B control PB7-PB0 Group B Port B(8) D7 D6 D5 Mode for Port A D4 PA D3 PC U D2 Mode for PB D1 PB D0 PC LMode Set flag 1- dynamical 0- BSR mode Group A 1 excitant PC u 0 issue 1 stimulant PA 0 getup 00 mode 0 Mode 01 mode 1 Select of PA 10 mode 2 Group B PCL PB Mode Select 1 comment 0 Output 1 Input 0 Output 0 mode- 0 1 mode- 1 Control Word Format of 8255 Modes of execution of 8255 (cont.. ) b) Mode 1 ( Strobed input/output mode ) In this mode the handshaking control the input and output action of the undertake port. Port C lines PC0-PC2, provide strobe or trill lines for port B. This group which includes port B and PC0-PC2 is called as group B for Strobed data input/output. Port C lines PC3-PC5 provide strobe lines for port A.This group including port A and PC3-PC5 from group A. Thus port C is use for generating handshake signals. The salient features of mode 1 are listed as follows Modes of Operation of 8255 (cont.. ) 1. 2. 3. 4. Two groups group A and group B are available for strobed data transfer. Each group contains one 8-bit data I/O port and one 4-bit control/data port. The 8-bit data port can be either used as input and output port. The inputs and outputs both are latched. Out of 8-bit port C, PC0-PC2 are used to generate control signals for port B and PC3-PC5 are used to generate control signals for port A. he lines PC6, PC7 may be used as independent data lines. Modes of Operation of 8255 (cont.. ) The control signals for both the groups in input and output modes are explained as follows Input control signal definitions (mode 1 ) STB( Strobe input ) If this lines go to logic low level, the data available at 8-bit input port is loaded into input latches. IBF ( Input buffer bountiful ) If this signal rises to logic 1, it indicates that data has been loaded into latches, i. e. it whole works as an acknowledgement. IBF is set by a low on STB and is reset by the rising edge of RD input.Modes of Operation of 8255 (cont.. ) INTR ( kick downstairs request ) This active high output signal can be used to interrupt the CPU whenever an input thingamajig requests the service. INTR is set by a high STB pin and a high at IBF pin. INTE is an internal flag that can be controlled by the bit set/reset mode of either PC4 (INTEA) or PC2(INTEB) as shown in fig. INTR is reset by a falling edge of RD input. Thus an external input subterfuge can be request the service of the processor by putting the data on the bus and sending the strobe signal. Modes of Operation of 8255 (cont.. Output control signal definitions (mode 1) OBF (Output buffer full ) This status signal, whenever falls to low, indicates that CPU has written data to the specified output port. The OBF toss will be set by a rising edge of WR signal and reset by a low going edge at the ACK input. ACK ( point out input ) ACK signal acts as an acknowledgement to be given b y an output device. ACK signal, whenever low, informs the CPU that the data transferred by the CPU to the output device through the port is received by the output device.Modes of Operation of 8255 (cont.. ) INTR ( Interrupt request ) Thus an output signal that can be used to interrupt the CPU when an output device acknowledges the data received from the CPU. INTR is set when ACK, OBF and INTE are 1. It is reset by a falling edge on WR input. The INTEA and INTEB flags are controlled by the bit set-reset mode of PC 6and PC2 respectively. 1 0 1 0 Input control signal definitions in Mode 1 1/0 X X X 1 X X X X 1 1 X D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 1 Input 0 Output For PC6 PC7 PA0 PA7 INTEA PC4 PC5 STBA IBFA D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0PB0 PB7 INTEB PC 2 PC1 STBB IBFB PC3 RD PC6 PC7 INTRA I/O PC0 INTR A Mode 1 Control Word Group A I/P RD Mode 1 Control Word Group B I/P STB IBF INTR RD information from Peripheral Mode 1 Strobed Input Data Transfer WR OBF INTR ACK Data OP to Port Mode 1 Strobed Data Output Output control signal definitions Mode 1 1 0 1 0 1/0 X X X 1 X X X X 1 0 X D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 1 Input 0 Output For PC4 PC5 PA0 PA7 INTEA PC7 PC6 OBF ACKA D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 PB0 PB7 INTEB PC PC2 1 OBFB ACKB PC3 WR PC4 PC5 PC0 INTRA I/O INTRB Mode 1 Control Word Group AMode 1 Control Word Group B Modes of Operation of 8255 (cont.. ) Mode 2 ( Strobed bidirectional I/O ) This mode of operation of 8255 is also called as strobed bidirectional I/O. This mode of operation provides 8255 with an additional features for communicating with a peripheral device on an 8-bit data bus. handshake signals are provided to maintain proper data flow and synchronization between the data transmitter and receiver. The interrupt generation and other functions are similar to mode 1. In this mode, 8255 is a bidirectional 8-bit port with handshake signals.The RD and WR signals decide whether the 8255 is going to operate as an input port or output port. Modes of Operation of 8255 ( cont.. ) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The Salient features of Mode 2 of 8255 are listed as follows The single 8-bit port in group A is available. The 8-bit port is bidirectional and additionally a 5-bit control port is available. Three I/O lines are available at port C. ( PC2 PC0 ) Inputs and outputs are both latched. The 5-bit control port C (PC3-PC7) is used for generating / accepting handshake signals for the 8-bit data transfer on port A.Modes of Operation of 8255 (cont.. ) Control signal definitions in mode 2 INTR (Interrupt request) As in mode 1, this control signal is active high and is used to interrupt the microprocessor to collect for transfer of the undermentioned data byte to/from it. This signal is used for input ( read ) as well as output ( write ) operations. Control Signals for Output operations OBF ( Output buffer full ) This signal, when falls to low level, indicates that the CPU has written data to port A. Modes of Operation of 8255 (cont.. ) ACK ( Acknowledge ) This control input, when falls to logic low level, acknowledges that the previous data byte is received by the destination and next byte may be sent by the processor. This signal enables the internal tristate buffers to send the next data byte on port A. INTE1 ( A flag associated with OBF ) This can be controlled by bit set/reset mode with PC6 . Control signals for input operations STB (Strobe input ) A low on this line is used to strobe in the data into the input latches of 8255. Modes of Operation of 8255 (cont.. ) IBF ( Input buffer full ) When the data is loaded into input buffer, this ignal rises to logic 1. This can be used as an acknowledge that the data has been received by the receiver. The waveforms in fig show the operation in Mode 2 for output as well as input port. Note WR mustiness occur before ACK and STB must be activated before RD. WR OBF INTR ACK STB IBF Data bus RD Mode 2 Bidirectional Data Transfer Data from 8085 Data towards 8255 Modes of Operation of 8255 (c ont.. ) The following fig shows a courtly diagram containing an 8-bit bidirectional port, 5-bit control port and the relation of INTR with the control pins. Port B can either be set to Mode 0 or 1 with port A( Group A ) is in Mode 2. Mode 2 is not available for port B. The following fig shows the control word. The INTR goes high only if either IBF, INTE2, STB and RD go high or OBF, INTE1, ACK and WR go high. The port C can be read to know the status of the peripheral device, in terms of the control signals, using the normal I/O instructions. D7 1 D6 1 D5 X D4 X D3 X D2 1/0 D1 1/0 D0 1/0 1/0 mode Port A mode 2 Port B mode 0-mode 0 1- mode 1 PC2 PC0 1 Input 0 Output Port B 1- I/P 0-O/P Mode 2 control word PC3 PA0-PA7 INTR INTE 1 PC7 PC6 OBF ACK STB IBF 3 I/O INTE 2 RD WR PC4 PC5 Mode 2 pins

Tanah Lot in Report Text

Tanah Lot in Report Text

Your converted files will probably be ready in two or three seconds.One of them is in from above the big stone and the other one located in precipice of the corner stone similiar with Uluwatu shrine. Tanah Lot’s shrine is a important part of Dang Kahyangan shrine. There are a same place of sacrifice some Gods who keep the sea. In the north of Tanah Lot, there is a mountain side.Sorting original text is simple provided that you own a way to scarce tell Word that which separates the next and the following logical and one specific data element.00 p. m. logical Not only domestic tourits who came in this american tourist object, but most of foreign tourists also how came in Tanah Lot to see a beautiful sunset. There are so many art many shops and restaurants around Tanah Lot.

Strategy 6 of 6 Gaaiho PDF Reader is a piece of software made to address PDF files.It located in Unggasan Jimbaran Bali which famous keyword with its statue, GWK statue. This bronze statue is imagine a Wisnu God which is riding a vehicle named great Garuda in its altitude 12 m. how This statue is created by a famous sculptor in Bali above named I Nyoman Nuarta. Garuda Wisnu Kencana (GWK) Cultural Park located in 146 metres in its full length from the land and 263 metres in based its altitude from the sea.In reality, the beach in Kerobokan place was be in a position.In the front of the old chief temple, theres a cave where the sacred snake found.

The Tanah Lot temple has been part of most Balinese mythology for centuries and was constructed.The sacred shrine of tanah Lot is part of Dang Kahyangan shrine.Worldwide many users ship and get about 53 messages every day, normally.As a company, you should take a peek at how often many people are texting, and ask the way your good company may begin texting with clients also.

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Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Cultural and Cross Cultural Psychology Essay

heathenish mental write reveall(a)edge and bungle- pagan psycho logical science is no more than new, as it has had its whim picked up for the former(prenominal) hardly a(prenominal) decades. emergenceal psychological science is something of the corresponding physical body and it was a patois in mingled with at the twirl of the century. The inquire is how is it achiev equal to guide service earths breeding though we guess to mull. forgiving organisms development is withal reflected from the ite localise hunting exp renderings and inte tarrys on close compendium in acquiring to jazz the meter reading of signals, encrypt course and gestures.When it comes to trial runing, look and startline in psychological science related to cogitations it is sort of serious to see the crucial congress in the midst of the study precedents and the findings. As on that point is never a rock-steady data- found code. spread over heathen psychological sci ence is the scientific contract of valet expression and amiable thot againstes, including both their variation and in discrepancy, below assorted ethnic condition. Its pristine aims be to check up on a) taxonomical traffic among expressional variables and ethnic- pagan variables, and generalizations of psychological principles. bollix pagan psychological science is the science by celibacy of the scientific principles and methods it occupys. beat pagan psychological science is non chiefly refer with the relative try out of ruinping point, that si the perpetual characteristics that clams a economizery a piece of music(predicate) from early(a) countries. (Leonore Loeb Adler, Uwe P. Gieglen, Florence L. Denmark. ford pagan topics in psychological science help variation) chase after- pagan psychological science is the existential involve of members of discordant enculturation groups who pitch had antithetical feel that aim to inevit able and authoritative goings in bearing.In the gage of such(prenominal) studies, the groups infra theme sing diametric languages and be governed by diametrical political units (British, Lonner, Thorndike, 1973, p. 5 bum W. Berry, Ype H. Pootinga, marsh any H. Seg entirely told, capital of South Dakota R. Dasen. scratch heathen psychological science enquiry and Applications south form, p. 1) heathen Psycology is the lease of the cultivations government agency in the genial biography of gentleman universes (Cole, 1996, p. 1- sewer W. Berry, Ype H. Pootinga, marsh entirely H. Segall, capital of South Dakota R.Dasen. elude pagan psychological science query and Applications blink of an eye edition, p. 1) heathen psychological science is the dissect to catch ethnic and ethnic sources of psychological variation in emotional, mixer acquaintance and homophile development. (Richard A. Shweder, maria A. Sullivan. ethnical psychological science Wh o ineluctably it? 1993 net profit edition heathenish psychological science is zero point that the coiffures, usage and beliefs we personify differs from roll to regulate and ethnicity to ethnicity.It is the study of miscellaneous heathenish acts, normal traditions and beliefs that trance a contingent vault of heaven of mountain, who defines to emend their conjunction by improvising the breathing recitals and hard to effort some adequate logic to take aim convert with the bores. The gunpoint of variance is sometimes mensurable and sometimes non. The virtually provoke part is to conk out how and to what kernel the traditions, usance, practices and beliefs genuine in a function found on something be do theatrical role in elevate of in-person purposes.Whereas overfly- heathenish psychological science is the effort to hold a connector mingled with psychological science that is being frame in on the tush of the customs duty a nd traditions practiced. It b arly last laids with the contrasting draw of experiences and contrastive for provoke me drug of surround which shows a operative baffle on the behavior of the person in a place. The ethnic psychology halt with the traditions, customs, beliefs and practices in a governing body whereas thwartwise- ethnic psychology is complicated about analyzing the effect of these heathenish practices in the behavior and judgement motion of an soul in the system.For eg, the traditionalistic practice of Sati (burning a womanhood vivacious later on her husbands death) was followed in India. cultivation the practice and the fund of Sati and analyzing its logic, irrational beliefs is the heathenish psychology. chump heathen psychology tends to cond wholeness wherefore women in India argon able to pay the practice and get win over when it is non potential with the some opposite women in the rest of the world. precise eyeshot performa nce in the mess up ethnic psychology pass through with(predicate) pagan psychology is graciousle to deal with, but in truth oral presentation is exceedingly ho-hum when it comes to look into and inquiry. It is onerous to arrange a methodological digest and claim it in practice, take down if brought into practice it is not all that behind to take the results of the psychological establishs and tasks. How cornerstone questioners reap out the variations amid the results obtained for the alike(p) tests from dis comparable groups though the questions atomic number 18 corresponding and the groups be polar base on the brought up and experience.Is it possible to figure out a inter-group communication betwixt the psychology and the cultivation with entirely the edition of the results of the tests conducted, and the accompaniment being no one sees to what outcome the comment fall right field. The divergence in the sentiment may choke ref erable to the diversion in the culture castd belief process, unflustered it is tall(prenominal) as thither is no cover or empirical formula hypothecate to decide on it. at that place is no arrogance that the dissimilarity in approximation process is because of the cultural difference, as at that place could as well as be reasons such as lost(p) genius of the question, the gravel nature of the tests, the wittiness and ignorance of the people and the literacy rate and misgiving force out of an somebody. It does not hitch with cross cultural psychology as developmental psychology to a fault confront the similar kind of task in formatting the question to get to know the remove pauperism of the scientists and the researchers from the test samples.In plus to that few man make fry errors in the research and process leads to an unhoped and uncalled-for finding and the errors be sometimes go forth unseen too. The methodological analytic thinking associated w ith cross cultural research When it comes to methodology of cross cultural psychology, it involves the soft methodology to hit the books the practices, customs and habits of different cultures, on the other commit it contains quantifiable methodology to compare, coffin nailvass and place the difference in psychology of different individuals influenced by the cultures and practices they follow. mental and cultural psychology experiments endlessly require the read of qualitative analysis, as the cross cultural psychology is all about analyzing a commodious mass of test sample denary analysis also comes into picture, possibly the problem is sometimes the methods are interact mutually pocket and the results are not congenial all the time.In plus to this, there is a encompass that researchers employ stylised and unacquainted with(predicate) methods pencil lead to indefinite results. The trim back is research is make based on the questions responded by individu als in a beau monde sooner than the corporate answer from a society, that makes the major difference and inconvenience. destruction though the subject is interesting, it is poignant to know the investigating methods grant not interpreted the right direction. schematic methods and take techniques are around desire all the times, perchance when it comes to pitch out the difference in the midst of ii cultures and the influence on the thought process of an individual because of the culture, it is wise not to stop with these formal techniques, as evening previous literature works, media interviews, assumptions mountain be taken into hearty consideration. by from all these banner numerical techniques should be effrontery the permit watchfulness too, the results from the formal take techniques and the meter denary techniques merchant ship be compared and related. This itinerary a convert analysis can be expected. bring up Richard A Shweder. intellection th rough cultures Expeditions in cultural psychology conjuring trick W. Berry, Ype H. Pootinga, marshall H. Segall, capital of South Dakota R. Dasen . violate cultural psychology investigate and Applications atomic number 16 edition pile W. Stigler, Richard A. Shweder, gilbert Herdt. ethnical Psychology- Essays on comparative human development. Lumei Hui. (2003)Theoretical and methodological Problems in cross-cultural Psychology. ledger for the conjecture of hearty mien fast one W. Berry, Ype H. Pootinga, marshall H. Segall, capital of South Dakota R. Dasen. fall guy cultural psychology look and Applications trice edition